Saturday, February 27, 2010

PotLD - Episode 1: Death & Life

Pathophysiology of the Living Dead Episode 1 will take on the task of defining death and life, and will discuss the problems associated with defining them.

Watch it here! 


Clip of Tarman from Return Of The Living Dead saying "More Brains". The first movie I am aware of that had running zombies!

The book read is Plague Of The Dead by the late Z.A. Recht. Truly an amazing novel!

I am still working on the lighting issues. In episode 2 it looks pretty good.

The line failure of cellular metabolism took me far too many takes. I kept slurring the words together and sounding like I'd been sipping embalming fluid. You can still hear it a little in the final take.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hello and thanks for reading!
I just wanted to let you all know that everything appears to be on schedule for a late February to early March release.  Episodes 1 & 2 are complete, and Episode 3 will be recorded in the next few weeks.
Thanks for your support!

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