Friday, April 9, 2010

PotLD - Episode 3: Bite Me

Episode 3 explores the types of bite wounds that would occur in the zombie apocalypse, and the body's first response to this injury;inflammation.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Genus Breakdown

Hello and thanks for reading!
  I will be recording episode 3 tomorrow, with an estimated time of around 7 minutes. So, I figure I better get this information up before then.
  Initially when I went through this information I created an extraterrestrial family, but I decided that it didn't really fit.  The rationale being, for example, that a parasite is still a parasite whether it comes from Earth or from beyond.
  However, seeing as Lord Blood-Rah, of Lord Blood-Rah's Tremulous Trailers, brought this up I thought I would include the data I collected.  He does bring up an interesting point.  While I was looking specifically at a list of zombie movies, there are plenty of sci-fi movies that have zombie-like characters; "That would be when an extraterrestrial entity "stings" or implants a piece of itself in a human being and takes them over. Such film examples, mostly from the the 50's and 60's, would be The Brain Eaters, Invaders From Mars, even the Star Trek episode "Operation-Annihilate!" Given our definition of Zombivita these would fit.  Sadly, I am lazy and don't want to go through, Lord knows however many more movies.  But if you feel up to the challenge feel free to let me know what you get.

7.5% of my data contains sources that are extraterrestrial in origin.

Biological = 19.1%

  • Animal Toxin = 1%
  • Bacterial = 1.5%
  • Botanical = 1% (0.3% of these were extraterrestrial in origin)
  • Parasitic = 2.1% (1% of these were extraterrestrial in origin)
  • Prion = 0.7%
  • Viral = 12.8%

Chemical = 16.3%

  • Pharmaceutical = 5.2%
  • Toxic Waste = 2.1%
  • Unclassified= 9%
Metaphysical = 19.3%

  • Black Magic/Curses = 6.9%
  • Hypnosis = 2.8%
  • Religious = 1.7%
  • Vampiric = 0.3%
  • Voodoo Magic 7.6% 

Pseudozombie = 15.9%
  • Alien Possession = 1% 

 Radiological = 5.6%

  • Terrestrial = 2.8%
  • Non-Terrestrial = 2.8%

 Technological = 8.6%

  • Alien Technology = 2.4%
  • Nanobots = 1%
  • Unspecified Machines = 2.8%
  • Unspecified Medical Experiments = 2.4

Unknown = 15.2%